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Welcome to the Timely Issues Section of our Blog

Dear Friends,

Welcome. In this forum we will host conversations on Timely Issues for the blog of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, We are your moderators, Justin Whitaker and Jason VonWachenfeldt.

Each month we will select a topic and request contributions on that topic from a variety of Buddhist and Christian authors, academic and non-academic alike. Our goal will be to publish at least two contributions each month to generate conversation. These contributions should be short, 600-1000 words, and speak from the place of a religious commitment, even if not necessarily confined to more traditional stances within any given religion. Our job will be to foster a variety of traditions and perspectives.

In this, our first month, we have already reached out to scholars, practitioners, and activists on the topic of responses to Charlottesville, and selected contributions will be published in the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, we'd like to invite your feedback on topics that you feel should be addressed in the coming months, with an eye toward those topics that are likely to remain timely and pressing in the future. Please leave topic suggestions below in the comments section and check back soon for our first contributions.

With thanks,

Justin Whitaker and Jason VonWachenfeldt